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Michael Miller, the CEO of News Corp Australia, strongly believes that ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) companies should compensate content creators. In a recent article, he explained that the rise of generative AI has allowed digital companies to profit from the creative work of others without compensating or attributing them.

Miller specifically mentioned ChatGPT, an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI and partly owned by Microsoft, as an example of a company that has built a business worth $30 billion by using others’ original content and creativity without compensation or attribution. He referred to Australia’s News media bargaining code, which focuses on compensation for online content, and highlighted that it came into effect on March 2, 2021. This code requires tech platforms to pay news publishers for their content, and Miller believes that a similar law should apply to AI platforms and projects.

In response to the development of AI projects like ChatGPT-4 and Midjourney, over 3,000 tech leaders and researchers, including Elon Musk, signed an open letter urging a temporary pause on further AI development due to the perceived risks to society and humanity. The letter emphasized the importance of conducting an independent review before training future AI systems.

Miller argues that AI engines risk their future success if they fail to demonstrate to the public that the information they provide is sourced from trustworthy and credible platforms, including mainstream media. He insists that these engines must fairly compensate the creators who provide the content that is used to train AI. He believes that creators deserve to be rewarded for their original work, as AI engines often draw inspiration from journalists, musicians, authors, poets, historians, painters, filmmakers, and photographers.

The crypto industry is also witnessing an increase in the use of AI networks, with projects like and Singularity NET gaining popularity. Their respective coins have seen a rise in value, riding on the wave of AI popularity.

In a related development, Italy’s data protection agency has temporarily blocked ChatGPT and launched an investigation into suspected data privacy violations. OpenAI acknowledged the breach and attributed it to a bug that exposed users’ chat history without their consent. The Italian data protection agency noted a lack of information provided to users regarding the data collected by OpenAI and questioned the legal basis for mass collection and storage of users’ data by AI systems.

Overall, the debate surrounding AI compensation for content creators continues to evolve, with stakeholders like Michael Miller advocating for fair compensation and attribution in the AI industry. As technology advances, it is essential to address ethical concerns related to the use of AI and ensure that creators are duly recognized and rewarded for their contributions.

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